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Laget Skateparker

  • Skatepark in Murowana Goslina

    Skatepark in Murowana Goslina

    Building skatepark in Murowana Goślina is done. Address: ul. Gen. T. Kutrzeby 9. Installation: 15.07.08. Skatepark elements: Bank with quarterem, Quarter Pipe, Funbox with grindbox, Funbox with rail, Manualbox, Straight Rail.

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  • Skatepark in Krakow - Park Jordana

    Skatepark in Krakow - Park Jordana

    On June 6th, 2008 we finished installing of the brand new skatepark in Park Jordana in Krakow. The spot will deffinitely improve Park's recreational offer for youths, giving them yet another place to enjoy their free time. On the field of 13x28 m. we placed several, not big,...

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  • Skatepark in Ośno Lubuskie

    Skatepark in Ośno Lubuskie

    Address: Słubicka Str. Installation of skatepark: 24.06.08. Elements of skatepark: Bank Ramp, Quarter Pipe, Funbox with grindbox, Grindbench, Broken rail.

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  • Miniramp on Hel

    Miniramp on Hel

    20.06.2008 r. on Hel, on the beach in Chałupy arise miniramp. Object is located next to beach entrance no. 7, opposite camping no. 2. Some photos of this object below.

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  • Miniramp in Walce

    Miniramp in Walce

    18.06.2008 we complete installation of miniramp in Walce. Miniramp is at Opolska Str.

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  • Woodcamp 2008 skatepark

    Woodcamp 2008 skatepark

    We finished extension of the skatepark for Woodcamp 2008. A new element has been added, that is a wall. Below you can see how the skatepark looks now.     Photos from Techramps' Workshops on first period of Woodcamp 2008 (2.07.08)....

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  • Skatepark in Skoczow

    Skatepark in Skoczow

    Bank Ramp, Quarter Pipe, Funbox with grindbox, Funbox with rail and grindbox, Miniramp, Grindbench, Straight rail.

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  • Skatepark in Oborniki Śląskie

    Skatepark in Oborniki Śląskie

    Address: Zielona Str. Installation of skatepark: 28.05.08. Elements of skatepark: Bank ramp, Quarter Pipe, Funbox with grindbox, Funbox with rail, Spin ramp, Grindbench, Broken rail.

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  • Skatepark in Gryfów Śląski

    Skatepark in Gryfów Śląski

    Address: Kolejowa 33a Str. Elements of skatepark: miniramp, funbox with grindbox and rail.

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  • Skatepark in Głowno

    Skatepark in Głowno

    Głowno mini skatepark. Address: Sosnowa Str. Location: near Road nr 14, next to the lake. Elements of skatepark: Bank, Quarter, Funbox with grindbox, two rails, two grindboxes. Pictures of new grindbox. Pictures of elements assembled before.

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  • Skatepark in Golub-Dobrzyń

    Skatepark in Golub-Dobrzyń

    Address: Sportowa Str. Assembly of skatepark: 28-30.04.08. Elements of skatepark: Quarter, Bank, Platform, Broken rail, Straight rail, Kicker with rail, Grindbox. Some photos from opening send by daras89r.

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  • Skatepark in Warszawa-Białołęka

    Skatepark in Warszawa-Białołęka

    In 21-26.04.08 we complete assembly of next skatepark in Warsaw, this time in district Białołęka. This sports complex is one of the biggest skateparks in Poland, located on fresh air. On square of dimensions 45m x 35m, similar to letter "L", there are arrange 9...

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  • Skatepark w Nasielsku

    Skatepark w Nasielsku

    Address: Parkowa Str. (near Primary School). Assembly of skatepark: 23.04.08. Elements of skatepark: Bank Ramp, Pyramid 1/2 flat, Straight rail.

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  • Skatepark  in Prabuty

    Skatepark in Prabuty

    From 16.04.08 skatepark in Prabuty at Legionów Str. is open. In skatepark are included: Grinbox, Manualbox, Grindbench, Straight rail. Some photos below.

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  • Pool-Kraków


    Below photos of Pool in Forum hotel at Konopnickiej 28 Str. Pool, builded in former swimming-pool in Forum hotel, is first covered object of this type in Poland. Photos from Emerica Techramps Cracow Bowl Challenge 28-29.06.2008

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  • Miniramp in  Kolbuszowa

    Miniramp in Kolbuszowa

    9.04.08 was open for riding miniramp in Kolbuszowa. Miniramp is at Wojska Polskiego Str., opposite an indoor swimming-pool. Some photos below.

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  • Skatepark in Niechorze

    Skatepark in Niechorze

    Location: Sport Object in Niechorze at Leśna Str. In the second stage (2.04.08) we install: platform with grindbox and rail and also grindbox.   II Stage     I Stage  

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  • Skatepark in Żyrardów

    Skatepark in Żyrardów

    Skatepark in Żyrardów was opened at 21.03.08. Skatepark is located next to "Zespół Sportowy w Żyrardowie" at Stefana Jodłowskiego 25/27 Str. In the neighbourhood there are tennis courts and a sports ground.

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  • Miniramp in Kanie

    Miniramp in Kanie

    At friday 22.02.08 was open for ride miniramp in Kanie. Couple photos below.    

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  • Skatepark Warszawa-Bielany

    Skatepark Warszawa-Bielany

    31.01.2008 we complete installation of skatepark in Warsaw, in district Bielany. This new skatepark is next to secondary school no. 75 at Wrzeciono 24 Str.

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  • Skatepark in Zdzieszowice

    Skatepark in Zdzieszowice

    Loaction: City Park in Zdzieszowice, near Korfantego and Orzeszkowej Str.

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  • Miniramp in Witkowo

    Miniramp in Witkowo

    Miniramp in Witkowo is located near Czerniejewska Str.

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  • Miniramp in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski

    Miniramp in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski

    Miniramp in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski is located on terrain of City Park of M.J. Piłsudski.

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  • Mini Skatepark in Nidzica

    Mini Skatepark in Nidzica

    Quarter pipe, Funbox with grindbox and rail, 2x Grindbox, Straight rail, Fallen rail, 2x Bank ramp 90 deg pyramid

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  • Skatepark in Włoszczowa

    Skatepark in Włoszczowa

    Skatepark is located on terrain of Center of Sport And Recreation at Wiśniowa 30 Str.

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  • Skatepark in Kharkov - Ukraine

    Skatepark in Kharkov - Ukraine

    Kharkov, Ukraine - skatepark was opened at 21-08-2007.  

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  • Mini Skatepark in Teresin

    Mini Skatepark in Teresin

    Skatepark in Teresin is located on terrain of Commons Center of Sport And Recreation near XX-lecia Av. 32.

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  • WoodCamp Przysucha

    WoodCamp Przysucha

    On photos you can see the obstacles we made for "WoodCamp" camp. More info about the camp on    

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  • Skatepark in Skwierzyna

    Skatepark in Skwierzyna

    Skatepark in Skwierzyna (near Gorzów Wielkopolski). Skatepark is located on terrain of OSiR near Sportowa 1 Str.

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  • Skatepark in Złocieniec

    Skatepark in Złocieniec

    Skatepark is located near I Dywizjonu Wojska Polskiego Str., near Primary School nr 1.   

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  • Skatepark in Bieruń

    Skatepark in Bieruń

    Location: Królowej Jadwigi Str.

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  • Skatepark in Piwniczna Zdrój

    Skatepark in Piwniczna Zdrój

    Skatepark in Piwniczna Zdrój. I STAGE - Targowa Str. (Jordanowski Garden).

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  • Mini Skatepark in Wierzbnik

    Mini Skatepark in Wierzbnik

    Mini Skatepark in Wierzbnik. Location: Wierzbnik - Park.

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  • Skatepark in Pobierowo

    Skatepark in Pobierowo

    Skatepark in Pobierowo. Location: Moniuszki Str.

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  • Skatepark Rewal

    Skatepark Rewal

      Second Stage - Szkolna Street.  

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  • Skatepark in Koziegłowy - Czerwonak

    Skatepark in Koziegłowy - Czerwonak

    (6km from Poznań) Skatepark is located on terrain of Indoor Swimming Pool near Piłsudskiego 3 Str.     Interesting is fact, that structure was mostly designed by youth, they draw it. Than we met few times and discuss. After that we modernized...

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  • Skatepark in Grodków

    Skatepark in Grodków

    Skatepark in Grodków is located near Krakowska Str. on terrain of the Park.

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  • Indoor Skatepark in Czeladź

    Indoor Skatepark in Czeladź

    Indoor Skatepark in Czeladź. Location: Trznadla Str. - "Trafic" Culture Center.

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  • Skatepark in Wolbrom

    Skatepark in Wolbrom

    Skatepark in Wolbrom. Location: City Park.

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  • Skatepark in Tomaszów Mazowiecki

    Skatepark in Tomaszów Mazowiecki

    Skatepark in Tomaszów Mazowiecki  - I STAGE. Location: Strzelecka Str.

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  • Skatepark in Wałbrzych

    Skatepark in Wałbrzych

    Skatepark in Wałbrzych. Location: Topolowa Str. - opened at 04-11-2006. Few photos from opening:

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  • Skatepark in Sandomierz

    Skatepark in Sandomierz

    Skatepark in Sandomierz. Location: Park Terrain - Piszczele Ravine.

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  • Skatepark in Szczyrk

    Skatepark in Szczyrk

    Mini skatepark in Szczyrk. Location: Sosnowa Str.

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  • Skatepark in Okonek

    Skatepark in Okonek

    Skatepark in Okonek. Location: 1 Maja Str.

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  • Skatepark in Wrocław

    Skatepark in Wrocław

    Indoor skatepark in Wrocław. Location: Legnicka 65 Str. Opening hours: Monday - Friday 14.00-22.00 Weekend 10.00-14.00 15.00-22.00

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  • Skatepark in Lębork

    Skatepark in Lębork

    Location: 9 Maja Str.

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  • Skatepark in Pilchowice

    Skatepark in Pilchowice

    Location: Mini ramp Pilchowice.

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  • Skatepark in Majków

    Skatepark in Majków

    Skatepark is located near "Nad Żarnówką" Family Center of Culture and Recreation at Żeromskiego Str.  

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  • Skatepark in Działdowo

    Skatepark in Działdowo

    Skatepark in Prestige option with longer guarantee. Special 6mm Ramp Line mat was used as a riding suface. Location: Męczenników Str. Działdowo City Site with extra photos:

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  • Skatepark in Wejherowo

    Skatepark in Wejherowo

    Wejherowo - build-up of existing concreted skatepark, spin ramp - 150 cm. Quoter, Bank And Down. Location: Konopnickiej Str.

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