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Laget Skateparker

  • Skatepark in Lubin

    Skatepark in Lubin

    Skatepark in Lubin. Location: recreation terrains near 3 Maja Str.

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  • Skatepark in Rzeszów

    Skatepark in Rzeszów

    Location: Memorial.

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  • Skatepark in Ciechanów

    Skatepark in Ciechanów

    Location: MOSiR Stadium, 3 Maja 7 Str. Riders: Techramps Team 1. Tomasz Dworzak 2. Tomasz  Warzecha 3. Maciej Heczoko 4. Grzegorz Górski

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  • Skatepark in Namysłów

    Skatepark in Namysłów

    Namysłów Skatepark - I STAGE. Location: Namysłów, place near Kolejowa Str.

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  • Skatepark in Piotrków Trybunalski

    Skatepark in Piotrków Trybunalski

    Skatepark in Piotrków Trybunalski. Location: Belzacka Str. - Sikorskiego Av. 18-20.

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  • Skatepark in Aleksandrów Kujawski

    Skatepark in Aleksandrów Kujawski

    Mini Ramp. Location: Stawki near Aleksandrów Kujawski - near the School.

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  • Snowpark Bialka Tatrzanska 2014

    Snowpark Bialka Tatrzanska 2014

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  • Skatepark in Włocławek

    Skatepark in Włocławek

    Mini skatepark in Włocławek. Location: Przylesie Stadium (Zazamcze housing estate).

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  • Snowpark Snieznica - Kasina Wielka

    Snowpark Snieznica - Kasina Wielka

    Medium funbox 8 m , little funbox 3 m, Rail 3 m, Kids box rainbow, Kids manual Box, tube up down 6m.

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  • Mobile skatepark to lend

    Mobile skatepark to lend

    Mobile skatepark to lend.  

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  • Snowpark Koninki 2013

    Snowpark Koninki 2013

    Wall, Copula, Pipe, Box, Butter Box, Rail

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  • Skatepark in Tłuszcz

    Skatepark in Tłuszcz

    Tłuszcz mini skatepark. Location: near Kościelna Str.

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  • Snowpark Zwardoń

    Snowpark Zwardoń

    Kids box - straight, Kids disater box, Kids rainbow box, Straight Pipe, Set of Rules, Board: Open, Closed

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  • Skatepark in Gliwice

    Skatepark in Gliwice

    Mini ramp. Location: Górnych Wałów 23 Str.

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  • Snowpark Burton 2012 - Bialka

    Snowpark Burton 2012 - Bialka

    Kula, thick rail, Butter Box, Box simple, Kink, mini tube wall, trapezoid box, handrail, PVC pipe.

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  • Skatepark in Jelena Góra

    Skatepark in Jelena Góra

    Mini skatepark  I STAGE. Location: Złotnicza Str.   Mini skatepark. Location: Piotra Ściegiennego Str.  

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  • Snowpark Witow 2010

    Snowpark Witow 2010

    We launched the snowpark in Witow. In the park there are three lines of jumps with varying levels of difficulty - a total of 7 jumps !!!   First line consists of two jumps for intermediate riders (flights from 6 to 12 m), also street rail, T-Box and box for...

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  • Skatepark in Pyrzyce

    Skatepark in Pyrzyce

    Mini skatepark in Pyrzyce (near Szczecin). Skatepark is located on Rejtan Str. (school terrain).

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  • Gravity SnowPark Koninki 2012

    Gravity SnowPark Koninki 2012

    We invite you to the Snowpark in Koninki that has ready the first section . Snowpark will consist of four sections stationed along the route with a length of 1450 m . The first section is located near the top , and the last one...

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  • Skatepark in Rewal

    Skatepark in Rewal

    Skatepark in Rewal. Location: Szkolna Str.

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  • Snowpark Katowice -JiB Jam 4 Spodek

    Snowpark Katowice -JiB Jam 4 Spodek

    In January 2010 tooked place the largest urban snowboard event in Poland. 120 tons of snow and huge scaffolding stood in Spodek at Katowice . The huge structure appeared our rails . Specially designed double- angled flat...

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  • Skatepark in Ostrów Wielkopolski

    Skatepark in Ostrów Wielkopolski

    Location: Near cinder track on Paderewski 2-6 Str. II STAGE  - Mini Ramp. I STAGE - Skate Park.

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  • Snowpark at Szczecin Gubalowka

    Snowpark at Szczecin Gubalowka

    - low Box, - wide Box, - Straight box rail, - Rail with one broke, - low broken Box,

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  • Skatepark in Dobre Miasto

    Skatepark in Dobre Miasto

    Mini Skate Park. Location: Dobre Miasto - 24km from Olsztyn.

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  • Snowpark Elbląg

    Snowpark Elbląg

    2 x kink box - box prosty - box fala - rurka prosta - zabudowana - rurka trapez - rurka łamana - rura karbowana - rura PCV - opona

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  • Skatepark in Września

    Skatepark in Września

    Location: Park of Piłsudski near Daszyńskiego Str.

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  • Snowpark Priv - Oskar

    Snowpark Priv - Oskar

    Tbox, Drop, Quoter,

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  • Skatepark in Głogów

    Skatepark in Głogów

    Location: Budowlanych Str. Riders: Skateboard: Tomek Dworzak and Tomek Warzecha - Team Techramps Snowboard: Michał Długosz - Team Techramps

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  • Snowpark Szczyrk Juliany 2012

    Snowpark Szczyrk Juliany 2012

    Straight handrail, Box butter, handrail without elbows.

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  • Skatepark in Bydgoszcz

    Skatepark in Bydgoszcz

    Skatepark in Bydgoszcz. Location: Piwnika Ponurego 10 Str. II STAGE.

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  • Snowpark Koninki 2011

    Snowpark Koninki 2011

    From 09.01.2011 to Koninki village away from Krakow about 60 km you can ride i n a small snowpark. It includes three obstacles TBox , grindrail and pool jam and ramp for 6-8 m flights. We also recommend a wild seat -...

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  • Skateparks in Cracow

    Skateparks in Cracow

        Location: Wysłouchów Str. on Kurdwanów house estate. Near skatepark you can find large BMX track.

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  • Koninki Snowpark 2010

    Koninki Snowpark 2010

    At the village Koninki , away from Krakow about 60 km , we put a few obstacles for intermediate raiders . Besides the obstacles for all visiters is waiting well-prepared slopes . There are also secret spots such as the famous  ...

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  • Skatepark in Dziwnów

    Skatepark in Dziwnów

    Dziwnów mini skatepark. Location: M. Konopnickiej Str.

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  • Mobile snowpark Bialka Tatrzanska

    Mobile snowpark Bialka Tatrzanska

    In Bialka held in Polish Tatra tooked place Peanut Butter & Rail Jam. On this occasion, we  set three rails our mobile park. Volcome ​​event was held under the watchful eye of Serum Group. Photos posted by Don Boni...

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  • Skatepark in Jarosław

    Skatepark in Jarosław

    Skatepark in Jarosław. Location: Piekarska Str. on MOSIR Stadium's terrain.

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  • Snowpark Jeleniewo (Szelment)

    Snowpark Jeleniewo (Szelment)

    We are presenting photos of snowpark in Jeleniewo (Szelment) in Suwalki.  

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  • Skatepark in Police

    Skatepark in Police

    Location: Piaskowa Str. (Bursztynowa's corner) on Sport Centre terrain. Skatepark contains : Miniramp with Spin and Funbox, 2xBank with Quoterem, Quoter, Grindbox, Broken Rail, Bank, Pyramid with Brickwork, Funbox with Rail, Funbox with Brickwork, Funbox with Rail, Bank, 2x...

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  • Snowpark Village Park - Swieradow Zdroj

    Snowpark Village Park - Swieradow Zdroj

    street box 8 m, 4 m boxs x2, double broken box 4m/2,5m/4m, butter box 4 m x2, street rail 8 m, wallride width 5 m, hight 2 m

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  • Skatepark in Świnoujście

    Skatepark in Świnoujście

    Location: Kościuszki Str. Skatepark contains: Element 1 (2x Quoter with Bank and Rolin), Element 2 (3x Bank with Grindboxem), Box, Funbox with Grindbox, Funbox with Rails and London Gap, Funbox for jumps, Rails, Picnic table for slides.

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  • Snowpark in Štrbské Pleso

    Snowpark in Štrbské Pleso

    You already can ride in new snowpark in Štrbské Pleso, where we prepare a few obstacles. In K2 snowpark there are following elements: Street rail, Kink T box, Flat T box, C box T. Below several photos after open of facility.      ...

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  • Skatepark in Nowa Sarzyna

    Skatepark in Nowa Sarzyna

    Location: Nowa Sarzyna (near Rzeszów). Park is next to Konopnickiej Str., near Indoor Swimming Pool (Sójcze Wzgórze housing estate). Skatepark contains: Bank and Quoter (120cm high, 366cm wide), Funbox for jumps (70cm high) and Funbox (high 55cm) with...

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  • Obstacles for PFO

    Obstacles for PFO

    In 2010, we started construction of obstacles jibbowych one of Europe's largest event for freestyle skiers " The North Face Polish Freeskiing Open " .   Photos from the event , which took place in Zakopane Gubalowka...

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  • Skatepark in Gniezno

    Skatepark in Gniezno

    Funbox is located on terrain of Gnieźnieński's skatepark (it'll be built-up in future) near Paczkowskiego 2 Str. (next to Gnieźnieńskie's Center of Sport and Recreation).

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  • Snowpark in Witow

    Snowpark in Witow

    We build snowpark in Witow . Elements of snowpark: Snowboard frame, Fallen rail (with padding), Straight rail (with padding), Straight rail - box x2, Fallen rail - box, Straight rail, Box. Also there are two double kickers (3 to 8 m of flat). Main sponsors of...

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  • Skatepark in Morawia

    Skatepark in Morawia

    Location: Morawia - Bilczy on Szkolna Str. Skatepark contains very interesting funbox and two rails concreted in. (I build STAGE).  

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  • Snowpark in Wierchomla

    Snowpark in Wierchomla

    We build snowpark in Wierchomla. Elements of snowpark (all with padding): Snowbox "T" Wave, Fallen rail, Straight rail, Straight snowbox, Broken rail, Fallen snowbox "T". Also there are double kickers (3 and 6 m flat), and at the end of snowpark - little corner. Main...

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  • Skatepark in Zalewo

    Skatepark in Zalewo

    Location: Kolejowa Str., by the lake. Skatepark contains: Funbox with two Grindboxes and Rail at a side, Bank and Rail. You can find more info at Zalewo City site:  

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  • Zieleniec


    In the season 2008/2009 started Zieleniec Village park . Snow Park is located in the center of Mieszko Str - in a neighborhood of Zieleniec church. The obstacles was design by Stach - Maciej Stasiak and made by ​​Techramps ....

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  • Skatepark in Zakopane

    Skatepark in Zakopane

    Skatepark in Zakopane.

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